

Monday, July 21, 2014


SO it's been FOREVER  a realllly long time since I've posted...I know bad me.
but as you all know life happens.

So we're waiting... obviously!
2 weeks worth of waiting, started this past Saturday and will end the day we get home from our mission trip. Waiting for what you ask? Well if you've been through the fertility thing, or ttc (trying to conceive) then you know what 2ww stands for. We will find out in two weeks whether this month was successful.
I've been trying not to think about it at all, but day by day the "what-ifs" are becoming stronger!

Quick update on where we stand with the doctors direction and such:
so basically I'm in-ovulatory according to them. I do not have a thyroid problem (THANKFULLY!!) but they haven't been able to pin-point the exact reasoning. I've been on Metformin since March 15th. Now granted I have not been taking it exactly like I'm supposed to but I have gotten A LOT better about it. It's very hard for me to remember to take medicine every single day.
I had my 4 month follow-up on July 15th to see how I'm doing with the medicine and to go over the countless issues I've emailed or called my doctors office with.
If at the end of this 2ww we do not see 2 pink lines, then on to (3) rounds of colmid it is.

I had a gut feeling the day I went to my doctors office and thought maybe I could be ovulating due to the fact that my last cycle was so far apart, maybe the timeframe of what my doctor (who hasn't done too terribly much to help us out) thought it was. So with my gut feeling I plugged the info into an ovulation calendar and sure enough it said I should be ovulating. I took an at home ovulation test and it too agreed I was having an LH surge.

WAIT maybe this is all too much for you all to hear...maybe I'm oversharing?! IDK but this is the real honest truth of what our lives look like right now.

SOOO with that info I talked to D and we decided to wing it and not listen to the doctor this month, I mean after all it hasn't helped too much the last 4 months. much less the last 20 months. The doctor wants me to call on day 40 of this cycle with 2 negatives and then she will call in progesterone and we will then start the Clomid next month. But for right now we are going to trust in God and wait until we get back from our mission trip to do anything at all.

This is where you all come in.   I  WE need you're prayers. Prayers for God's will to be done.
I'm tired, I'm sooo very tired of having my heart broken month after month. I'm tired of it seeming so simple for some people and soooo terribly hard for us. So I personally need prayers for strength and prayers to still be a good wife while I'm going through all the crazy emotions and hormones and just all that this journey contains.
D and I haven't been so worksheet, bbt, 2ww driving ourselves insane crazy every month. but this month I thought, heck why not. Again, what the doctors are telling us isn't working. So while I'm not doing the bbt thing I am giving this tracking and 2ww thing a try. Lets hope it works!!

On to other things, our mission trip is next week and while I'm there I want to hear all that God has to say to me and do all that He has planned for me. Will you be a prayer warrior for us that week?
Will you pray for lives to be touched (both among the people we are serving and our own hearts), for seeds to be planted, for travel mercies (we will be traveling at least 2 hrs every day to our jobsites.)

I will update when we get back with progress of everything mentioned here.

in Gods mighty graces -